Quality of life
Not just climb corporate ladders. Summit mountain tops! Austria is a prosperous, stable and thriving country with a long and turbulent history. In addition to its dynamic and innovative economy, Austria is not only valued across the globe as a nation boasting a rich cultural heritage and as a travel destination, but also as the adopted country of international skilled workers. Numerous expatriates from all over the world have decided to live and work in the country whose capital city is rated as having the highest quality of life anywhere.
Highest quality of life
In addition to its large number of innovative companies, Austria stands out due to its nearly unrivalled quality of life. The high standard of living is reflected by the low crime rate, the high level of social security and an attractive shopping and recreational infrastructure. There is hardly any country in the world which matches Austria with respect to the security of persons and property.
Attractive price level
For many years, Vienna has been considered the most liveable city in the world (Economist Ranking 2022). In addition to many other factors, the excellent transport infrastructure, the wide range of leisure and cultural activities, numerous green spaces alongside cleanliness and safety also contribute to this. However, the cost of living in the Austrian capital is significantly lower than in other European cities such as Paris, Amsterdam and Copenhagen. (Source: Numbeo)
Leisure-time activities
Austria is a country with a diverse range of cultural and sport activities as well as entertainment options. Whether a person enjoys opera, operetta, musicals, theatres, concerts, festivals or exhibitions, there is something which suits every taste. Close to 5,000 tennis courts, around 80 golf courses, 22,000 kilometres of ski slopes, 50,000 kilometres of hiking paths, 10,000 kilometres of biking paths and much more complement Austria’s leisure time options.
High quality of living
in an intact environment
Austria’s intact natural environment and beautiful countryside, the wealth of natural resources, a well-managed cultural landscape, green meadows and mountain pastures, crystal-clear water, good air quality and much more all make a significant contribution towards Austria’s high quality of life.
A positive symbiosis between agriculture and the environment is also ensured. Austria boasts a very high share of organic farming compared to other countries in Europe. Forward-looking environmental policies, a pronounced environmental consciousness and ecologically compatible production technologies make Austria an environmental role model.
Negative impact of environmental pollution