Friendship Week Philippines & Austria #servuskaibigan

What is the Friendship Week?
The 2024 Philippine-Austrian Friendship Week is organized by the Philippine Department of Migrant Workers, ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Philippines, the Philippine Embassy in Austria as well as the Austrian Embassy in the Philippines under the theme "Engaging the Stakeholders with a Sense of Commitment and Genuine Partnership." This comprehensive initiative combines diplomatic, cultural, and economic elements to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. Above all, the three-day event aims to promote Austria as a destination for Filipino professionals through cultural performances, informational sessions, and a career fair.

Social Media Challenge und Kick-Off-Event zur Friendship-Week
As part of the Austrian-Philippine Friendship Week, the Austrian Business Agency invited people to take part in the social media challenge. Filipinos in Austria captured their favourite stories about living and working in Austria on video or photos and shared them on the ABA Instagram account. With 57 fantastic entries, it was not easy for the jury to choose the winning entries. The two winners were delighted to receive a flight to Manila and a Polaroid camera respectively. To present the award-winning entries, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs (BMAW), in cooperation with the Austrian Business Agency (ABA) and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), hosted a reception to kick off the Austrian-Philippine Friendship Week. The prizes were also presented at this kick-off event. The Social Media Challenge built a bridge between the people with Filipino roots living here and the people in the Philippines. This put the existing Filipino community in Austria in the spotlight.
The winners
Category Video: Kathlyn Camille Fidelino
Category Foto: Janelie De Chavez
© Kathlyn Camille Fidelino