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Double the amount of Red-White-Red – Card consultations

27. February 2024

Last year WORK in AUSTRIA conducted 3,889 consultations for Red-White-Red – Cards within the context of the legally embedded “ABA Immigration and Residence Services” service centre. This is double the comparable amount in 2022. These consultations are designed to advise companies, skilled workers, and their family members on all phases of the immigration process.

In addition, the offering of target group-specific Webinars, especially relating to the right of residence, has been expanded due to the high level of demand. The reform of the Red-White-Red – Cards which took effect on 1 October 2022 has had a positive impact. It enables faster application processes and reduces the minimum stipulated salaries, thus making it easier for companies in Austria to hire international skilled workers. 

“We are continuously searching for specialists with specific qualifications in the fields of ITS, C-ITS, V2X, toll systems/toll solutions, deep learning etc.,” says Harald Hohenecker, Head of Travel & International Assignments at Kapsch TrafficCom. The technology company is globally active in the traffic and toll management segment. “Getting a residence permit for third country nationals applying for jobs with us has repeatedly been something of a challenge. No two cases are precisely the same. In this regard, WORK in AUSTRIA offers an important and very good service. Thanks to its successful support in handling immigration procedures, we can more effectively meet our needs for skilled workers with IT expertise. In turn, this contributes towards strengthening our team and positively affects the implementation of our projects. Moreover, skilled workers from different countries enrich our corporate culture and have a positive impact on innovation and collaboration,” he adds.  

In 2023, the online job platform of Austria Business Agency was also used more frequently by companies operating in Austria as well as skilled workers. Vacant positions in the fields of IT, technology and life sciences were advertised in European target markets. Last year WORK in AUSTRIA already carried out 7,200 consultations focusing on living and work in Austria.   

Services offered by WORK in AUSTRIA for employers in Austria 

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